We all know that marketing your blog to be successful takes time and perseverance. Helping others to market thier blog to get noticed in the blogosphere takes only a few minutes of your time. I would like to introduce a young man named Grant, he authors the Million Dollar Project and is asking for others to help him raise money for children in Africa and to start a business. The business he would like to start is to teach entrepreneurial skills to small businesses in South Africa in order for them to become sustainable and income producing.
I have felt inspired to write a post about his journey to a million dollars to help him get the traffic he will need to accomplish this goal. Others may want to contribute to him in another way. You can read the 5 ways to help the Million Dollar Project he has outlined here is this link.
How would you like to contribute to making Grant's mission successful in raising his goal of a million dollars? Help Grant in anyway you can and if you link to this post in your post about the Million Dollar Project, I will add your website or blog URL to the list you see below. Networking together can actually make this happen for Grant and I feel so happy to know I was a part of his Million Dollar Project.
- Kate Fowler $20.00 RV Lifestyle Library
- Patricia Ogilvie $20.00 Sales Letter
- Jim Abbey $10.00
- Iris Suemenicht $55.55 Sound of My Heart
- Maria Palma $10.00 The Good Life
- Lyman Reed $10.00 Creating a Better Life
- Rhen Khong $10.00
- Samara Toro $10.00
- Robert Monteux $10.00 HypnoCoaching Blog
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