My original goal and commitment to develop helpful resource blogs has been focused on being able to help other newbies going through the beginning stages of blogging. I personally had lots of difficulty just navigating around blogger when I first started, so I guess you could say, I've been there-done that.
I now want to help others that may be feeling the same way as I did first starting out. Researching specific questions I had was very time consuming and I thought how nice it would be to find the answers for newbie questions in one location. Since I started using the Classic Blogger, many of the tips and step-by-step instructions I have explained are no longer relevant for The New Version of Blogger. With the encouragement from Rose at BloggerTalk, I started this blog focusing on The New Version of Blogger. All new bloggers are using The New Version of Blogger (formally know as beta) so I now have this blog focusing on tips and step-by-step instruction for the methods used in The New Version of Blogger. Feel free to navigate between the two blogs, Classic Bloggers Resources and The New Version of Blogger Resources to acquire the needed information for the specific topic of your interest. I'll answer any of your questions to the best of my ability or refer you to someone that does know the answers.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further instructions. If I have been able to help answer any of your concerns or questions, I sure would appreciate you taking the time to leave me a comment. Better yet, link to Bloggers Resources in your sidebar for future reference or for another newbie blogger that just happens to visit your site.
Happy Blogging....Sherrykins
View the referenced links or labels in sidebar for your topic of interest!
This is a great site! I was wondering the other day why I couldn't find a site like this! Great job!
Thanks for your compliments. Please feel free to suggest other topics of interest that you think would be beneficial for newbies.
Thanks a million for your help. Continents away and you replied to me in only minutes with answers to my questions. I wish I had found your blog a long time ago. It would have saved me lots of time. Great job!
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me your comments. I was so pleased to be of help to you.
You have great articles here. Have you try submitting your articles to Digg? Sites like Digg will give additional traffic to quality blog like yours.
Speaking of beta bloggers, I have found a method where you can add live Digg button into beta blogger. Having a digg button right at your blog will help your articles get votes into digg popularity post. The more number of votes your article get, the more blog traffic is expected. For more information, on how to add live Digg button on beta blogger, visit my Turn Your Blog Into Money Making Machine.
Thanks for your comment and compliments on my articles.
No, I haven't ever submitted an article to Digg, I might have to look into that. Thanks for the information for adding the Digg button to the New Version of Blogger.
It's great that you are trying to help other bloggers reach their full potential.
The Imaginary Diva,
Thanks for stopping by to leave me a comment. There is so much to learn as a new blogger, I want to give them my full support in any way I can.
What I want to see more of is easy to use blogger beta templates. The three column one I used on my main blog is very editible through the fonts/colors tool button. But the one on my biography isn't. For the bio one I replaced the top picture with one of my own. That layout came from a site where you can get free layouts. But there are only a handful of them for blogger beta so I want more. I barely know HTML or CSS.
a wanna-be-writer,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I like your three column template, you'll have to let me know where you found it.
Is it your web site or my calendar running slow. It says you posted a blog on Saturday March 31, 2007, but the thingee at the bottom right hand corner of my PC says it’s 4th March 2007?
By the way I love your blog, and bookmarked it.
Ignore the above comment. What can you expect from a Grumpy Old Fart?
Tell you what, why not visit my blog, and leave an equally puerile comment! (Puerile - isn’t it a nice sounding word?).
Keep up the good work.
Yes But,
You make me chuckle, you can leave me a comment anytime. If you go to the end of this post you will see I explained the date change so I could keep it at the top of my blog. This is also known as a sticky post and will remain there. Sorry about any confusion on the current date.......your calendar is right! hehe
Thanks for bookmarking my site, I'm glad you found it useful.
Hi Sherry
Its me again, looking for advice
Visitors to my blog have requested I set up a forum for discussions.
Other than through passing messages via the comment facility, which they are at present doing. Is there some way a facility can be set up to allow visitors to post their views in the main section of the blog?
Since leaving a message earlier I have discovered how to add a Guestbook to my blog
which will allow visitors to start discussions.
The advantage of living in the UK, I’m 8 hours in front of you. So I can post a question and find an answer while you are still in dreamland.
Though I guess you are up by now and eating you breakfast.
Today’s word is - ingratiating
Best wishes
Yes But,
Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner but I'm glad you found a way to setup a forum on your site.
Nice blog. I am curious, though, how you managed to post a March 31, 2007 entry several weeks in advance.
Thanks for the compliment. To change the order or date of your post, go to the dashboard and click on post, then edit for that particular post. Go to the bottom of the post where you will see Post Options and you can change the date of your post. To save changes click on Publish and that's all there is to it.
Hi Sherry, just a quick word to thank you for taking the time to visit and comment on my blog. It's a useful service you're offering here as a lot of the Blogger Help pages are still based around Old Blogger templates
Your welcome for the visit and thanks for dropping by to say hi.
I appreciate you letting others know I'm here to help them out, that was really nice of you.
((HUGS)) to you Sherry :)
Bigger Hugs,
Thank you so much, just what I needed! :)
I really like your idea and a ((hug)) button will go on my blog today.
thanks so much for this site and your help! i've passed it along to a few others, and i'd like to add you to my blog links!
You're so welcome for the help. Thank you so much for the blog link on your site. I look forward to be of help to others in need.
sherry, i was wondering if you know how to use backgrounds/layouts off other sites on our blogs. also, do you know how to put youtube videos on blogs? let me know if you do. thanks. luv kelsey.
ps. in ur instructions for getting a hug link, you said to go to layout. where is that, i cant find it.
Sorry for the confusion, if you don't see Layout in the dashboard, then you are still on the Classic Template. Read Switched to New Version of Blogger/No New Features and that will clear it up.
If you want to stay with the Classic Template, you can Edit or Add Links to your sidebar by clicking on Template instead of Layout in the dashboard.
I'm not familiar with changing backgrounds or putting videos on your blog. You might want to try Blogger Tips and Tricks as he has a wealth of information on various topics.
Sherry, thank you for all your help, and the information given! I have added your link to my page in the hope that others will see it, again, thank you!
You are so welcome! Thanks so much for the link on your blog letting others know there is someone willing to help them.
Congrats on publishing your books for children, how exciting that must be to see them on the shelf at Barnes and Nobel.
Hi Sherry, I think I've cracked it! Thank you so much for your extended help!! :) And your comments - I finally managed to get them on my blog! You're a star!!
I'm so glad we figured out the problem with your comments. Thanks for the compliment. :)
The blog date says May 31, 2007.
Yikes! I'm supposed to be in Miami. (on my 10th day) LOL
This is a sticky post so it remains at the top of my blog and I change the date in Post Options each month. :) Don't be alarmed, you still have enough time to make it to Miami on the 10th. hehe
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for your helpful input. I know the content on my blog is interesting. [Presumably the most important quality in any blog?] So to be able to get help on publicising was crucial. Well done and thankyou for your blogspot!
the nylondoner,
Thanks for leaving a comment to let me know this site was helpful to you.
Happy Blogging
Your blog is very helpul and I have learned a lot. Still I want to know one thing. How can you display the post date as 31-05-2007 which date is not yet come.
I'm so happy you have found this blog to be helpful. As you can see this date has been changed in the Post Options for it to remain at the top of my blog and is called a sticky post. Click on the link for instructions to create one also.
Thanks sherry. Thats new to me. I will try it. I like to link you with my blog with your permission.
Your so welcome and remember you can always link back to any blog without their permission. I do apprecitate you linking back to this site.
Another thing I notice is you don't have your Profile enabled for others to click on your name and view your sites. Go into the dashboard, Edit Profile and check the box for "Share my profile".
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