There is a writing contest at Middle Zone Musings, Robert Hruzek wants you and I to write a six-word-story that lets readers fill in the rest such that a complete story is told.... Sounds like fun to me and I plan on participating, how about you? Please spread the word to others you know, if you think they might be interested in doing this also.
A little story as one of his examples:
Remember Hemmingway’s six-word story? (“For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”) What did you hear? I don’t mean those six words, but what information did your brain fill in between the words? How did your imagination fill in the blanks? Your answer is going to depend largely on several things: how much you know (or think you know) about Hemmingway, your background and experiences, and how vivid your imagination is. OK, you’re primed and ready! Lined up at the starting line, waiting for the gun to go off, eager to prove to the world you have the stuff it takes to make it!
Starting on Monday, January 15th thur Sunday, January 21st. Here’s all you have to do to enter the contest:
1. Read (if you like) the stories in this Wired article to get a feel for how it’s done.
2. Write a six-word story (a kinda obvious step, I know). In fact, write a group herd bunch - the more the merrier. (There are really only two rules to this contest: a) use exactly six words, and b) because this is for general consumption, I would appreciate it if you would please keep them G-rated!)
3. For those of you with blogs, post your entry on your blog, and link back to his post at Middle Zone Musings. Then send him an email to let him know.
4. For those of you without blogs (and why haven’t you started one yet?), you can enter your submissions via the comments on his post. No need to email him in this case.
5. In return, he will link back to your post (or mention you by name, if you don't have a blog) several times during the week, and once more in the archive post.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Be Brief Writing Contest
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2:05 PM
Labels: writing contest
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